All files / src/internal/client/dom/elements/bindings document.js

100% Statements 18/18
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100% Lines 17/17

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { listen } from './shared.js';
 * @param {(activeElement: Element | null) => void} update
 * @returns {void}
export function bind_active_element(update) {
	listen(document, ['focusin', 'focusout'], (event) => {
		if (event && event.type === 'focusout' && /** @type {FocusEvent} */ (event).relatedTarget) {
			// The tests still pass if we remove this, because of JSDOM limitations, but it is necessary
			// to avoid temporarily resetting to `document.body`