All files / src/internal/client/dom/blocks svelte-component.js

100% Statements 32/32
100% Branches 8/8
100% Functions 1/1
100% Lines 31/31

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { block, branch, pause_effect } from '../../reactivity/effects.js';
// TODO seems weird that `anchor` is unused here — possible bug?
 * @template P
 * @template {(props: P) => void} C
 * @param {() => C} get_component
 * @param {(component: C) => import('#client').Dom | void} render_fn
 * @returns {void}
export function component(get_component, render_fn) {
	/** @type {C} */
	let component;
	/** @type {import('#client').Effect | null} */
	let effect;
	block(() => {
		if (component === (component = get_component())) return;
		if (effect) {
			effect = null;
		if (component) {
			effect = branch(() => render_fn(component));